Catholic Community on the Jersey Shore
At Mass, we generally profess our beliefs in the Nicene Creed.
Sometimes at Mass, and when we say the Rosary, we use the Apostle's Creed.
These beliefs are ancient and unchanging and are the foundation for our Catholic faith.
Here is a very good beginner's guide on our Faith.
If you ever stood next to, or worked out next to a professional athlete, you quickly realize how unfathomable their size and talents are. It can be humbling, especially for those of us who fancy ourselves "good athletes." Best we can do is sit back and enjoy their performance.
Trying to fathom God, or understand His size and talents can be equally daunting and humbling.
That's okay. Sit back and enjoy his Creation (performance.)
The very first line of the Bible states: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
In other words, our Bible has been telling us for thousands of years what scientists just recently discovered: That time, matter and space all came into existence at the same moment, at what is known as the Big Bang. What existed before, and what exists outside the universe? Nothing science can define.
Watch this video: