Everyone knows what works. Suffice it to look at the overflowing ranks of novices at the traditional-oriented religious congregations of nuns. Such convents have no problem attracting postmodern girls who flock to them. Indeed, the candidates are not attracted to the shallow schools of social- and climate-justice spirituality. They long for the structure that they do not find in their lives. They want a return to order often denied them. The activist nuns are fading away because they rid themselves of those sublime things that attract. Gone are the rules, discipline, and habits that gave structure and certainty to religious life. Gone are the devotions and practices that aided the pursuit of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Two of our four children have fled the Acela Corridor for more Catholic and sane pastures. We remain, like the other two children, behind enemy lines. What is the better path? "Some people are ordained to say and fight, while others are not,” she shared. “That is something every family has to discern according to their own circumstances and vocations.”