To be a member of the Church means to place Christ at the center of all things. Every work of the Church – her teachings, sacraments, and governance – is ultimately intended for this purpose, to make her members better followers of Christ. To view the Church as having any other purpose (social justice, political advocacy, environmental activism, etc.) is to misunderstand and misrepresent her.
Pastoral accompaniment of those who are mistaken must be rooted in Jesus. He didn’t hide the truth or exempt those innocently in error from needing to change their hearts and minds. He called everyone to undertake the metanoia of laying aside both sin and error in order to live freer and richer lives in Him. Christ proclaimed the truth compassionately and hopefully, promising to be with us and to make fidelity possible regardless of circumstance. He knew many listeners would feel confused or judged and that some would leave, but He insisted there’s no other path to life.