If you haven't figured out that this gay porn library book issue isn't an issue of good versus evil then you haven't been paying attention. Allowing third graders or middle schoolers to be exposed to this porn in class or at the school library is disgusting, wrong, and wholly unnecessary unless you run a sex school, but Frisch took his oath of office on a stack of what he termed "banned" books. None of the books was banned. But they're all filled with porn.
The current chaos in the Church is not unlike that found in the Scriptures. The remnant of the Chosen People remained faithful during the Babylonian Exile, during the repeated periods of rebellion, and the Roman occupation. Just as God guaranteed the ongoing survival of His Chosen People (cf. Hosea), Jesus promises the survival of the Church: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the [gates of hell] shall not prevail against it.” (Mt. 16:18) And so, it must be for us. Not long ago, an elderly woman called me to her bedside. She apologized for disrupting my busy schedule. She was dying. But she said she hadn’t received Communion for weeks. She could no longer delay. I recited the prayers, delivered Jesus in Holy Communion, and left that room invigorated in spirit, with my priesthood validated. The Catholic faith isn’t complicated and comes down to one Thing: Jesus.