From Alain Oliver at the "Love and Fidelity Network." Why is it, as Time Magazine notes, that parents, who ostensibly feel parenthood is the most meaningful aspect of their lives, would rank other goods like financial stability and job satisfaction as more important for their children?
The first necessary foundation is the idea of the image of God as the only basis of human dignity and value. The loss of our understanding of who we are as human beings leaves only some vague notion of autonomy and self-expression as that which grounds our existence. Certain members of our community, those who stand in the way of our autonomy and self-expression, must be sacrificed to ensure this flimsy notion of self.
This disheartening outcome might have been different if Catholics had heard, repeatedly and emphatically—from their pulpits, schools, and diocesan newspapers—that abortion is a grave evil; that same-sex “marriage” is a devilish mockery of nature and nature’s God; that politicians who promote these crimes have renounced their claim on Catholic support.
So, I would challenge each of us today to use this occasion to reflect not just on his great crusade for civil rights but also on Martin Luther King’s wisdom in bringing law back to its moral foundations.