Whether viewers are “a believer or nonbeliever,” he thinks the film can touch all open hearts. “It’s appealing because it’s based on facts. A lot of believers come to Fatima every year, but it’s not just that. It’s the story in itself, and the comparison, the parallels to today. Most of all, it’s important that we have hope.”
"The Church should help like this, wherever and whenever it can, whether or not it’s getting paid, and whether or not it’s ever thanked. Families scrambling to figure out what to do about school and work are our neighbors. School administrators and teachers are our neighbors. “Love your neighbor,” Jesus said, and “Give to the one who asks you.”
In the Apocalypse, “Lamb that was slain from the beginning of the world” will be present – and victorious over the Dragon and all his minions – at the end of that world. On the other side of tribulation and death, he will reveal things hidden since the beginning of the world. “We win.
“Biden’s position on abortion is untenable from any Catholic perspective,” writes Michael Sean Winters of the National Catholic Reporter, “The theological proscription against the intentional taking of a human life is not something that can be set aside for the kind of libertarian argument favored by pro-choice advocates.” Winters concludes, “We Catholics should be able to explain how our faith informs all of our decisions, including our political ones. Biden’s decision to lean in to the discussion, and not to avoid it, will be good for Catholicism, whether or not it is good for the Democrats.”
“Take courage and be a man. Keep the mandate of the Lord, your God, following his ways and observing his statutes, commands, ordinances, and decrees, that you may succeed in whatever you do.” (1 Kings 2:2b-3) "Courage does not mean fearlessness. Nor is it courageous to do reckless things. The true virtue of courage is guided by reason; it moderates and directs our fears and reckless urges. There is a time to dig trenches, and there is a time for frontal assaults. Fortitude is a virtue that harnesses both impulses in the right place and time."
Bishop Kemme added, “We are the ones whom God has chosen and destined to live at this time in history, bringing our faith to bear, as did our predecessors, so that with God’s grace and by God’s grace alone, we too will triumph and overcome all adversity and grow stronger in faith, hope and love in the process.” Join us at the Fatima Shrine in Spring Lake on Sept. 12
I have some head-scratching encounters with "Catholics" who support their decidedly non-Catholic views by producing a supporting article from National Catholic Reporter. Just as Antifa is not actually ant-fascist, and Planned Parenthood is not in the business of helping parents plan for parenthood, the National Catholic Reporter does not represent Catholic positions. It is to be avoided.
“I have always envied the Catholics that sweet, sacred, Virgin Mother who stands between them and the Deity, intercepting somewhat his awful splendor, but permitting his love to stream on the worshipper more intelligibly through the medium of a woman’s tenderness.”
How do parents protect their children from the anxiety-inducing barrage of lies and apocalyptic doomsayers that have gained strength in our public schools?