Finally, the Church is catholic in the sense that she possesses all truth. Everything necessary for salvation is found within her doctrine. All religions possess some aspects of the truth. Only Christ’s Church possesses the fullness of the truth
"In reaction to every ideology with its single-minded vision, the Catholic Church is stereoscopic. It sees with two eyes and seeks the fullness of truth rightly ordered. Truth matters, and part of that whole body of beautiful truth is that crime, social violence, and police brutality are all forms of injustice, that racism is evil, and that black people—with all their brothers and sisters—are God’s children and their lives matter both now and into eternity."
"If you care about the poor, you are now served notice. The bucket into which you are pouring the water is punched full of holes. The family has been devastated. You must throw that bucket away. You must become an apostate from the Apostasy. It is not sufficient for you to do so. More than that must be done. It is necessary: unless it is done, nothing will avail."
There is an aggressive movement in this nation, in the world, that is attacking, undermining, desecrating and persecuting our Church. Will we step into the breach to defend Her? It begins with prayer and penance which fuels our fortitude and perseverance.
If we take this to heart, we will turn off CNN, Fox, MSNBC and tune into a lot of the great Catholic content that is out there. There are links to many on this website.
We can break the vicious relativism of verbal engineering only by an honest examination of conscience, measuring our lives against God’s law, and taking responsibility for our actions. When we resolve to love Him above everything, even at the price of losing the affections of those we love, with God’s grace, we will break the bonds of seductive sentimentality. And we will rejoice in the saving power of Jesus, meek and humble of heart.
2. Catholics must distinguish truth from falsehood and communicate only the former. “We need media that can help people, especially the young, to distinguish good from evil, to develop sound judgments based on a clear and unbiased presentation of the facts, and to understand the importance of working for justice, social concord and respect for our common home,” Pope Francis wrote. “We need men and women of conviction who protect communication from all that would distort it or bend it to other purposes.” Catholics need to be well formed and well informed, and we have the responsibility to use our knowledge to advance truth over selfish agendas
"Whatever he told his band of followers had the effect of defusing the tension. Within a few minutes, they stopped trying to rally support from the passing cars. A little while later, they even stopped raising their fists. We all knelt for the Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was a silent affirmation that we only kneel for God. By the time it was over, all the activists had followed their leader down the street."
It’s not the impious who are free but the pious. Those tethered to the wisdom of the past are not seduced by ideologies or panicked by demagogues. Piety prompts a reverence for the rule of law rather than an arrogant or casual dismissal of it. What is more, devotion to lasting principles means the pious have something to contribute. They have materials from which to build. Piety thus serves as the necessary foundation for reform, which is why two of our greatest reformers – Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. – rooted themselves in Christianity and our nation’s founding.
“Who is going to save the church? Do not look to the priests. Do not look to the bishops. It’s up to you.” - Fulton Sheen Many/most of our shepherds have abandoned ship. Be not afraid. We can steer it home.