Matt Fradd is a wonderful Catholic Apologist, featured on these very pages. In this video, he shares his fear and hope of being COV 19 positive. The night prayer he invokes at the end is a powerful witness to faith, repentance and hope.
It has been gratifying to see over 200 people join in with Sr. Carole for the Rosary, or over 300 for Father Damian's weekday Mass. Bishop O'Connell will be celebrating the Triduum at St. Rose. TMIY and Walking with Purpose continue to bring the faithful together (Via Zoom!) "From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Pslam 61:2
For many, the idea of living in an atomic age was frightening. Today, living in the coronavirus age can be frightening. The wisdom CS Lewis shares is applicable to both.
On the relational front, “sheltering in place” is guaranteed to ramp up your family dynamic at least tenfold. When you’re around each other 24/7, you can’t avoid little irritations and personality conflicts as easily as you can when you’re running in a million different directions. That can be intimidating, but you can make it work to your advantage if you keep a few tips in mind.
The Feast of the Annunciation "It is the Lord’s Annunciation. A most favored feast, by the way, as it allows for the austerities of Lent to be lifted for a day. And, of course, because it is the catalyzing moment, setting everything on which our salvation depends, happily in motion."
Join Franciscan University of Steubenville president, Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, for a deeper look at the life of Christian discipleship and ongoing conversion in his new video series, Metanoia: A Journey With Christ Into Conversion. Filmed on location in the Holy Land and beautifully produced by 4PM Media, the 10-episode Metanoia series examines what it means to have our hearts changed by a relationship with Christ. Available for Free, but donations welcome
"Social isolation is everyone’s cross to take up now. But if we embrace our cross, it will lead to a fullness of life we never could have known. We have been given a great gift within this historic experience of communal suffering – the gift of time to pray, reflect, and – if we can live it as such – leisure. Let us embrace what we cannot escape and accept that our “doing nothing” is the very something all of us must do"
"A priest must be oriented toward and attentive to the divine first of all. But now we see the other part of the equation more clearly. The priest maintains an orientation toward and focus on the divine not for himself but for others"
For many, not receiving the Eucharist daily, or weekly, is a difficult reality to accept. Fear not! We can still enjoy Spiritual Communion with our Lord and Savior: My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. Enjoy the Video!
Walking With Purpose is continuing their weekly meetings via ZOOM That Man is You has a Rosary Group, and small groups are forming to continue the program Here are some things you can do at home with the family-- Reach out to us for more ideas and help forming a small group!
Today is the Solemnity of St. Joseph. It is a feast day and day of celebration, a pause in our Lenten journey. How will you reflect on, and celebrate, this most righteous man.
The current environment is challenging, and we are all forced to adapt. We can complain and criticize, or we can use this time as an opportunity for growth and improvement in ourselves, and with our families. Watch Father Mike Schmitz share his thoughts. What are you doing with your time? Share your ideas!