"Catholic laity and clergy gave hidden witness to Jesus Christ through the hardships of the year, living a love for God and neighbor sometimes briefly captured by the headlines but forever kept in the heart of God."
"Secondly, what attracts people to the Church is not social-justice sermons, dreary contemporary music, or cheap imitations of the modern world. People are searching for authenticity, certainties, and truth. The art of the Church expresses profound doctrines, firm teaching, and long tradition. When truth and moral goodness intermingle, they give forth a beauty that cannot fail to speak to those seeking God. Only the Church can quench the insatiable thirst for the sublime that is so much a part of human nature."
"This is precisely what fathers in our culture have failed to do. They might give their children some material wealth and advice on how to get ahead in the world – or at least how to be comfortable. But for decades fathers have failed to give their children their proper identity. They have failed to pass on the patrimony of the West, of our nation, and most of all of Christianity."
"First, we’re in the midst of a struggle between a Christian and post-Christian culture. Our universities, media, entertainers, technology lords, etc., are increasingly and openly anti-Christian – even anti-religious – and quite aggressive. The new year threatens to take this conflict to new lows. The courts have generally been sympathetic to religious liberty. But our courage and vision are about to be tested, individually and collectively. We’ve been mostly losing those battles for decades. But at least the challenge is clear."
"So yes, the birth of Jesus is a glorious moment, and the manger scene brings comfort and joy and Christmas cheer. But it should also inspire a holy terror in us—that this baby is God incarnate, the King who came to set captives free, through His violent, bloody death on the cross as atonement for us, His unworthy subjects."
"Friends, this is the authority of the Church. If we are simply the guardians of one interesting philosophical perspective among many, then we are powerless. If we rely on our own cleverness in argumentation, then we will fail. Our power comes—and this remains a great mystery—only when we speak with the authority of Jesus Christ." - Bishop Barron
I have wondered, and asked, "how do I find common ground with someone who rejects God, who believes babied can be killed, who rejects what it means to be male or female, who rejects the sanctity and primacy of the family, and who rejects the rights of religious conscience? How can we even get to a discussion about immigration if we don't agree on what it means to be human?
The 50% of Catholics that supported Joe Biden need to stand up and fight this anti-Catholic pick. "As attorney general of California, Becerra has repeatedly fought Catholics and pro-lifers in court, including a loss at the Supreme Court in 2018, after the state tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortion services."
“To his credit,” Archbishop Chaput noted, Biden “has championed many causes and issues that do serve the common good. However, many of his actions and words have also supported or smoothed the way for grave moral evils in our public life that have resulted in the destruction of millions of innocent lives.” “Mr. Biden has said that he will continue to advance those same policies as president, and thus should not receive Holy Communion. His stated intention requires a strong and consistent response from Church leaders and faithful.”