At mass, you often hear me recite a familiar prayer after communion. "Oh, sacrament most holy oh sacrament divine all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine." I remember hearing those words in our parish church as a child but not really knowing them or understanding them. One day after mass, I asked my parents to explain it to me, which they did. And I've been saying that prayer ever since and sharing it in every parish I've been assigned to. Of course, most of the older generation know the prayer very well, but it has been a joy to share it with the younger generations.
The prayer is one of my favorites because it reminds us that after communion, we don't receive something but someone. The important word here is
thine. We are talking to a person with reference, with devotion, with love. It is the person Christ that we receive at communion.
I'm sharing this story with you on Mother's Day because without my mother and father teaching me the faith by example, I would have nothing to pass on to you or share with you. I'm sure this weekend we're going to have a lot of beautiful descriptions of the role of a mother. If "home is where the heart is." I picture a mother there. To be personal, when I think of my mother, I think of nurture and strength of love and humor. I think of a woman who loved music and dancing who delighted in the beauty of this world and passed on that appreciation to her children. My mother had a deep Catholic faith; by that, I mean, it was interwoven into our lives without pretense or exaggeration.
My mother didn't do it alone. My father was a life-loving, faithful man who raised us by word and example. To be blunt, we never missed mass! For us, this was no big deal. It's how we lived, and so did our neighbors. Each Sunday was a special day, a feast day, a golden day. We didn't have to work. We went to mass and experienced majestic liturgies, and then we would have Sunday lunch which would never be missed!! We were not just part of a community; we were part of a community of faith. It was the real deal.
I'm sharing all this with you to say that on Mother's Day, let us remember the unique role a mother and father have passing on the faith by word and example. It can't be outsourced to a parochial school or religious education! Those wonderful teachers and catechists are great partners in your child's faith formation but not substitutes or replacements. I don't want my Mother's Day message to sound like a reprimand but rather the opposite. Never underestimate what you do as parents can do to bring your children to Christ to become real disciples. Remember, they will most likely imitate the faith they see you practicing; you are their model.
Pray with your children without pretense or drama. Bring your children to Sunday Mass. If you haven't done so already, bring your family to our outdoor celebrations of mass at the weekends; they are so joyful and uplifting. I promise you will not regret it! Teach your children morning and night prayers. Say grace before meals. Pray for your neighbors, those who are sick, and all those who need our prayers. Remember the holy souls and our loved ones who have passed. Remember, we are people of faith, not because we think we're better than anyone or holier than thou. Indeed quite the opposite is true; we know that we truly need God every day in our lives.
A very happy Mother's Day to all our mothers and to all those who mother us. They deserve our love, respect, and gratitude every day.
With Love and Blessings,
Fr Damian
A Prayer in Gratitude for Our Mothers
Good and Gentle God,
We pray in gratitude for our mothers, grandmothers and for all women who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life. You who became human through a woman, Mary, grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings.
Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly.
Give them the faithful support of family and friends as they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children.
Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most. Amen.