Catholic Community on the Jersey Shore
A Minsitry dedicated to bringing the Faithful back into the Church
The Coming Home Network
Do You Need a Spiritual Director?
10 Steps to Finding a Spiritual Director
Continue the habits of Lent. Begin or interrupt your day with some guided reflections that will increase your faith and relationship with Christ.
Consider partciipating in regular Novenas.
Consider downloading the Hallow App
Join us the 13th of each month, at 8:30am, at the Fatima Shrine at St. Catharine's in Spring Lake for our monthly Rosary
What can we do? Here is an excellent article: Family is Where Church Begins
Here are common Catholic Prayers
Prayer is vital! Try the Hallow App
We also like the AMEN App
Best Bibles for Catholics: Great Adventure Bible, Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition.
If you like more traditional language: Douay-Rheims
The Comprehensive Catholic Multimedia Source: EWTN
DO THIS NOW!- Subscribe to The Loop from Catholic Vote: The Loop
Other excellent Catholic commentary worth reading:
National Catholic Register
The Pillar
First Things
The Catholic Thing
Catholic World Report
Crisis Magazine
Epoch Times
World Magazine
Recommended Catholic Apps
The Tuttle Twins Youtube and The Tuttle Twins Books
Catholic Family Crate
Cultivating Catholics
Catholic Mom Vibes
Catholic Sprouts
5 Sparrows
Video Resources for answering your questions, and your children's:
Catechism: Real and True
Faith and Science: Science Uprising
Faith and Culture Issues: What Would You Say?
Faith, Culture and History Issues: Prager University
Faith and Society: Edify
Wallbuilders has many links and resources, including a Youtube Channel, that present TRUE American History.
BEST WAY TO GROW YOUR FAITH AT HOME- Try these great video-based resources:
Good Reads- Early Stage of Journey
The Beginning Guide to Roman Catholic Faith
Catholics Come Home- Making the Journey Back
Good Reads- Next Stages of Journey
My Catholic Life- RCIA at Home!
Catholic Parents- Resources on the Issues
Meaning of Catholic- Deeper Dive
Marriage Enrichment: Catholic Marriage is the Foundation for Faith and Society.
Mission of the Family: The Mission of the Family is a dynamic new video series that proclaims the truth and beauty of the Catholic vision of marriage and family life in the modern world
BELOVED: Uncover the mystery and meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage
Core Websites for Men:
Engaging the Battle: Into the Breach
Heroic Men Videos- The Netflix for Catholic Men
Fathers of St Joseph- Youtube channel with great inspirational and instructive videos
RISE- Chris Stefanick challenges all men as only he can (explore the Real Life Catholic website)
The King's Men- Mark Houck builds authentic Catholic men
Catholics Come Home- Returning to the Faith
Fraternus- Building Catholic youth and men via outdoor exploration and skills
Dads- Becoming a Godly father
Catholic Dads- Forming men in their faith
Niche Websites for Men:
Catholic Gentleman- Old fashioned manly virtues with Bishop Sheen in the mix.
Wild at Heart- Masculine faith! Love God and Live Free!
2232Men- Men and prayer
Roman Catholic Men- Preparing Men to Battle Evil
Men of Iron- Building men of iron!
Hard as Nails- Men as mentors
Strong Catholic Dads- The title says it all
Meaning of Catholic- The reality of what we are up against
Dynamic Catholic Sacramental Prep makes for great family viewing. Entertaining and informative.
BLESSED FOR KIDS- First Communion
TEENS AND PARENTS- Confirmation Prep
COUPLES- Marriage Enrichment
Contact us for more information and resources or to just talk!!
Our Church is in Decline
The Center for Applied Research on the Apostolate at Georgetown (CARA) reports that since 2000, 15 million Catholics have left the faith, Religious Ed participation has dropped 25%, Catholic School attendance down 20%, infant Baptisms down 30% and Sacramental marriages down 40%.
Another study by CARA of 18-25 year-olds revealed that the average age someone reported as when they decided to leave the faith was 13 years old! The main reason they gave: the incompatibility of faith and science, as learned in schools.
The Augustine Institute found that of the 1,000,000 Catholics baptized around the year 2000, only 500,000 received Confirmation.
“Who is going to save the church? Do not look to the priests.
Do not look to the bishops. It’s up to you.” - Fulton Sheen
Our culture is dominated by lies and misinformation. It can be difficult to navigate.
We are in a better position to grow in faith, and defend it, if we have confidence. We encourgae you to take the time to inderstand "the other side" of the argument (AKA, The Truth!)
There are so many resources out thee that are interesting and informative. Try some!
Video Resources for answering your questions, and your children's:
Catechism: Real and True
Faith and Science: Science Uprising
Faith and Culture Issues: What Would You Say?
Faith, Culture and History Issues: Prager University
Faith and Society: Edify
Wallbuilders has many links and resources, including a Youtube Channel, that present TRUE American History.