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    St. Mark's Church, Sea Girt Parish Website https://stmarkseagirt.com _blank
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    St. Margaret Church, Spring Lake Parish Website https://www.scsmsl.org _blank
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    St. Elizabeth Church, Avon By The Sea Parish Website http://www.stocp.org _blank
    Ascension Church, Bradley Beach Parish Website http://www.stocp.org _blank
    Holy Innocents, Neptune Parish Website https://holyinnocentschurch.net _blank
    “Follow me..." “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
  • Today's Readings

  • News

    • January 6
      When the two disciples who encountered the Risen Lord on the road to Emmaus rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others of their astounding experience, they heard the words: “Yes, it is true, Jesus has risen from the dead.” That is the very foundation of our faith. If, as one inane clergyman said many years ago, the Resurrection was merely a “conjuring trick with bones,” then we should all eat, drink, and be merry and, perhaps, become Hare Krishna devotees. Yes, it is true: Christ is risen, and all has changed.
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    • December 27
      There is another consideration. The peculiar nature of the gesture—kneeling to receive Communion—enters the memory as specifically bound up with the act of the Sacrament and with the place where you receive. Again, it is not like anything else we do during the week. To kneel at the rail is to be at a certain place, not for a mere moment, but perhaps for a minute or so, long enough to say a prayer, long enough to think of something you ought to have done, or something you ought not to have done, long enough—and if it is every Sunday, frequent enough—to make that place, that rail and no other, filled with significance. I mean the word in its precise sense: the place becomes a sign.
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    • December 23
      The only way to evangelize the modern pagan world today would be once again through the family. If we do not realize this, then our enemies do—and that is why they are trying to undermine and destroy the family which stands in the way of the neo-pagan world they want to reconstitute. Here, selflessness is replaced by selfishness, love is replaced by lust, and doing God’s will is replaced by doing your own will: doing whatever you want, in whatever way you want, whenever you want. It may be too late for the wild geese to save Rome this time round, for the barbarians are already within the gates! But it is not too late for the families who once transformed a pagan world into a Catholic world to do so once more—and this time to make sure that the forces of evil do not reemerge to destroy it, or at least distort and disunite what once had been one in Christ.
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    • December 11
      What’s happened to our first freedom, especially the rights of morally traditional believers who have given so much to our nation? Their religious beliefs are portrayed as hateful, and their religious freedom as a front for bigots, racists, and theocrats. This slander has been embedded in all our institutions – our schools, the media, Big Tech, the sports and entertainment industry, the medical profession, our foreign policy, and even our military. This is a threat not only to the religious, but to the Constitution, and to America’s singular role in the world. The recent election results may blunt this threat, but political change alone cannot defeat it. It’s too deeply rooted in our cultural institutions.
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    • December 5
      The only question that matters this Advent is whether Jesus Christ is really who the Epistle of James claims he is: the center of history, the Lord of creation, the God of life who warrants the passion of our hearts. In the time we’ve been given, are we living in AD 2024 or 2024 CE; in Anno Domini, “the year of Our Lord,” or just another 12 months in a morally vacant “Common Era.” We each get to choose – and to act accordingly.
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  • Genius of catholicism

  • our broken and blessed Church

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  • Bp. Barron's Reflections

    • Friends, today’s Gospel reports Jesus’ first sermon. After his baptism and temptation, Jesus begins to preach in Galilee.


    As American Catholics have entered into three years of Eucharistic Revival, revive your own devotion to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament with My Daily Visitor: Eucharist.
    Beginning on Corpus Christi, you will receive a daily email with a video and the day’s reflection, which will guide you to a deeper love of Christ through prayer, Scripture, and the examples of the saints. My Daily Visitor: Eucharist is perfect for Eucharistic adoration, prayer groups, or personal quiet time. Join today and ignite your relationship with Jesus in the holy Eucharist.



  • Hallow meditation

  • The Essential Family

    Wisdom from Monsignor Pope

    Struggles: Yet what should be obvious seems to be strangely absent from the minds of many. Marriage and family are in crisis in our culture due to the willfully sinful habits of many adults in the areas of sexuality, marriage and family life. 

    Strategy: What are we to do? Preach the word! 

    We must be prepared to unambiguously repropose the wisdom of God’s word to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

    Children deserve and have the right to expect two parents, a father and mother, committed to each other until death do they part. 

  • Faith at home resources

    We Have Great Ideas!! Check out Resources
    Father Dave is a local and international favorite.
    How about some couple time? You would do well to enjoy Better Together at Dynamic Catholic.